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When I was struggling with anorexia I was unaware of all the areas in my life that were out of control. I would restrict all day and binge and purge at night. I would over-exercise, up to 2-3 hours per day. I would be unable to sleep since I was fraught with anxiety. I would drink alcohol to escape my uncomfortable feelings. I would drink coffee all day to curb my appetite. During recovery I recognized that I was emotionally vulnerable. One feeling of anger, doubt or jealousy would drive me totally off course.

One key aspect in eating disorder recovery is to reduce emotional vulnerability. We need to emotionally protect ourselves so we can be mindful of our emotions, instead of impulsively reacting to them. It is important to identify areas that we can balance to manage the ever- changing emotions we feel daily. An acronym that helps me to stay on track is STRONG.

S: Sleep— Practice positive sleep hygiene. Get the amount of sleep that helps you to feel your best. Turn off electronics one hour before bed to de-stimulate your mind and body for rest.

T: Treat Physical and Mental Health— Take care of your mind and body. Seek support from therapeutic professionals to process difficult issues. Take psychotropic medications as prescribed. Go to the doctor when you are sick.

R: Resist Drugs and Alcohol— Do not use drugs or alcohol. In the short-term we think they may make us feel better, however long-term they lead to more problems. Drugs and alcohol can increase depression and anxiety. The drugs eventually, over-time, change the symphony of our brains and can lead to addiction.

O: Once a Day Build Mastery— Each day participate is something that makes you feel accomplished as a person. Do one thing that build confidence and competence. Start small and then slowly add to the difficulty of the task.

N: Nutrition— Gentle nutrition and balanced eating keeps us stable. Eat every 4-6 hours to fuel your body. Listen to your body cues of hunger and fullness.

G: Get exercise— Each day engage in joyful movement. Exercise releases a natural chemical in our brain that helps us to feel better. Do something that you enjoy and feels good to your body.

We can recover one day at a time,

Serenity Always,


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