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Slow Down


The other day I was driving down the street to yoga class. It was a 12pm class and the time was 11:46am. As I sat at a red light I scanned across the street to the hardware store and noticed that they had gotten in more white Adirondack chairs. I had bought 2 a few days ago and wanted 2 more. I thought—“If I take a quick right and pull into the hardware parking lot I could quickly purchase the 2 chairs and still be on time for yoga.” And then I continued down the road to my yoga class. I got there a few minutes early to center myself before the class started.

Today a thought is just a thought. I have them and do not act on them. Back when I was struggling with anorexia, I would have acted on that thought just so I could cross something off of my “to do” list. Then I probably would have decided that I needed more things at the hardware store, bought them, and raced to yoga all stressed out. Then during yoga class I would obsessively think about what I had purchased and if I needed to return them. My life was ravaged by the “do do do” mentality.” I was never comfortable in my own skin so I was always escaping by doing.

Slowing down is a vital tool in recovery from anorexia. Practicing mindfulness has taught me to notice my thoughts and then let them go like clouds in the sky. Mindfulness helps me to stay in the present moment and do one thing at a time. Letting go is the pathway to freedom. Humans have over 60,000 thousand thoughts per day. I simply notice my thoughts, understanding that I do not need to act on them.

Start by practicing mindfulness 2 minutes per day. You can download a guided meditation, purchase a book of mindfulness exercises or attend a mindfulness class. I encourage you to slow down and just be.

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