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Self-compassion is a part of healing. Too often we beat ourselves up for every little mistake we make or we criticize ourselves if we don’t feel like we are measuring up to others. Maybe you whisper “stupid” to yourself when you do something wrong or yell “I’m so useless” when you are having a rough day. Practicing self-compassion is a different way to handle these situations. It combines love, acceptance, nurturance and kindness. These elements help with eating disorder recovery. It takes consistent practice, however practicing self-compassion allows us to challenge the negative eating disorder thoughts and to help grow the healthy sides of ourselves.

Here is a meditative exercise I suggest you complete daily to build self-compassion over time:

Take a few deep breaths

Place your hand over your heart

Identify something that you have been struggling with/beating yourself up about

Repeat the following phrases:

          I am struggling right now

          Most people feel like this sometimes

          May I be kind to myself in this moment

          May I give myself the compassion that it needs


We can recover one day at a time.

Serenity Yours,


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